Home and clinic information.

A visit to the herbalist consists of an initial consultation lasting approx. 1 hour.   In this time the presenting complaint is assessed,and a look at past and familial medical history as well as serious and recurrent illnesses.

A history of medication use is noted and dietary and life style changes suggested.

  A prescription of herbs is dispensed for 2 weeks and subsequent appointments made to monitor changes and suitably modify the  prescription.

An assessment of the condition is made looking at the person as a unique individual assessing  their  health status as well as their physical and mento -emotional relationship.

 I use a  combination of TCM and western diagnosis,and often suggest a different nutritional approach where necessary as well as life style modifications and prescribe native and chinese herbs.

Clinics are by appointment only..  

 Initial visit            50.00(euro)       There are special rates for OAP and those on a low income bracket.             

 Subsequent visits  30.00  

 Cost per 100 ml tincture 10.00.

 Cost of dried herbs 7.00 .(per packet)                                                                                                               

Cost of creams. 12.00-15.00 50g-100g                                                                                               



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